Somali Pirates Hold Hostages Remain Despite Ransom Paid

The Somali pirates took the surprising step that could change their attitude towards the international community. After receiving a multimillion dollar ransom, they released the ship and some hostages but still hold all the hostages are Indian nationals.

Pirate spokesman Hassan Farah said the decision was taken as the step response after the Indian Navy arrested more than 100 Somali pirates.

"We decided to remain Indian nationals held hostage because the Indian government to hold our colleagues," said Farah. "We have to free other hostages while the Indian nationals hostage who was new to us free if the Indian government to free our colleague."

Farah added the decision was taken unanimously by all the pirates who are in Haradhere. The plan, the hostages were Indian nationals will be moved to the mainland.

Previously, the ransom paid to free the ship Asphalt Venture owned by a company in Mumbai, India. Ransom is estimated at U.S. $ 5 million (about Rp43, 3 billion).

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