Potential of Social Conflict in Bali High
Beneath the charm and cultural tourism, the island of Bali store a variety of problems. Not just a matter of security, in the shadow of terror, social conflict on the island are also a threat. Mainly smelly customary conflict.Earlier, the Governor of Bali, Made Mangku Pastika admitted dizziness, when he saw the news agency CNN broadcast the mass clashes between the two traditional village in Gianyar. Only because of the cemetery land seizure.What really happened in Bali?Director General of Village Community Empowerment and Ministry of Interior, Ayip Muflich said, the conflict must be done as early as possible, before developing into open social conflict."Bali is not like other areas, but the potential for conflict is still open. So, before the conflict broke out, should be anticipated as early as possible by way of dialogue," said Ayip when opening a national seminar "Preventing Potential of Social Conflict" in Denpasar, on Sunday, May 8, 2011 .Meanwhile, Chairman of the People of Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB) Bali, Ida Bagus Gede Wiyana states, conflict occurs when the Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution are ignored in our daily lives. Then it dipelesetkan in a form of exclusivism hidebound by some of the nation who called themselves as the true.Fundamentalism, including in making exclusive statements in purity and truth tend to give birth intolerance and violence. "If this perspective that we anuti in life as a nation, we will live in the shadow of violence. Assumes others as not his people, who must be expelled," he said.He also highlighted the arguments of the social and the religious observers joined in FKUB that the social problems that occurred during this is one form of shifting values. Traditional values that actually has a noble bond sudden tantrums thrown by the modern era.According to social conflict is a problem that can not be allowed to grow because it will erode the social solidarity values and community togetherness. "Indeed, something that is not easy, because social problems are now very complex. But we must not turn a blind eye to the violence that continues to threaten us at any time. We have to make approaches," said Wiyana.Model approaches such as what is done? When asked this, foundation chairman, said Dwijendra do approach in general. As penegagakan law.Then another approach to be able to prevent social conflicts by applying religious law are the best. "Now the role of religion here is very important to build a solid harmony integrity,"Source vivanews.com
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