Wonders of Numbers 11 In the case of WTC

Events of the collapse of World Trade Center twin towers in New York after being hit bytwo passenger planes on 11 September 2001 still leaves a big question mark until now.

In addition to crucial questions, such as who the real actor behind the incident? What'shis motivation? And how could cheated the state of U.S.? Even rumors, there are'others' whointentionally commits heinous acts was to bang the Islamic world and the West.


Starting from the rumors, rumors, gossip, conjecture, to the various analysis put forward, but until now the WTC tragedy of 9 / 11 remains a mystery yet to be revealed.Although the U.S. government has determined the culprit (was killed along with the plane) and indicate the actor is Osama Bin Laden's intellectual, but still many people who doubt that Bin Laden really was behind the deadly attack action. Apart from the recognition of Osama Bin Laden claimed responsibility after the tragedy happened.Interestingly, this tragedy also observed by the observer observer numerology and symbols around the world, including in Indonesia.Some have even convinced that the numbers or symbols that accompany the tragedy of 9 / 11, not a mere coincidence, but has been 'designed'.Well, once traced, the number 11 there was a lot of tragedy surrounding 9 / 11. For example the following,:1. WTC is located in "New York City", the letters in the writing of this city a total of 112. New York is the U.S. state with a sequence number to 113. Form of the twin towers of the building to form number 114. WTC has the nickname "Sky **** press" letters are also numbers 115. Number of floors in each of the WTC buildings is 110 floors (11 + 0 = 11)6. The tragedy occurred on September 11 (9) so that if combined into 1 + 1 + 9 = 117. The first country to be targeted and soroton America is Afghanistan, the number of letters are also 118. The first aircraft hit the World Trade Center, according to data carrying 92 passengers. If you add up the numbers 9 + 2 results 11.9. Following the second plane hit the WTC buildings, according to data carrying 65 passengers. If the numbers add up to 65: 6 + 5 = 1110. All the passengers on the four planes that attacked the U.S. on 9 / 11 amounted to 254 persons, if the third figure is adding to, 2 + 5 + 4 = 1111. And the occurrence of such attacks is a day to 254 calendar days in one year, if calculated 2 + 5 + 4 = 11How 'horror' kah number 11, until intentionally or not, the figures closest to the tragedies of 9 / 11?Founder of the Church of Satan (GS) Anton LaVey, choose number 11 when he set 11 Article Satan on Earth (The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth).In astrology, the 11 usually indicates Leader. Figures 11 also represents sin, transgression, and risk.If the number 10 depicts perfection, then the number 11 symbolizes something more perfect. If the split (1 + 1 = 2) it will be found a duality that face each other: Lucifer and God.Well interesting discovery was also expressed and written by various blogs on the internet. That is about one flight code that crashed into the WTC plane. The plane was coded Q33NY flight.Somehow initially they then tamper with the number by using one of the alternate function letter in MS Word, if the code is viewed Q33NY / Wingding letter is replaced with the type of the result is: the image planes hit two buildings with a skull and a symbol of the Israeli flag. (Can you try for yourself)

The destruction of the WTC images are also in the Dollar:

Source vivanews.com


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