Archeologists Discover Strange Framework 'Zombie'

Two skeletons found in unusual conditions, large stones stuffed in their mouths.Voodoo followers believe in the existence of zombies, other terms of the undead. That said, according to their beliefs, people whose spirits are stolen by means of witchcraft, will be employed as slaves. Through the bite, the zombies can also make other people into their kind.The existence of zombies has never been scientifically proven. In 2009, scientists from the University of Ottawa and Carleton University to investigate the phenomenon of the spread of zombies with the assumptions of biology: in the form of a virus or plague.However, assuming people in the Middle Ages is clearly different. Recently archaeologists found two skeletons from the early Middle Ages in Ireland - with a large stone stuck in their mouths. The archaeologists believe, the way it shows evidence of people's fears, that body will bounce back as a zombie.Skeleton found in several sessions during the 2005-2009 excavations at Kilteasheen, near Loch Key, by a team of archaeologists led by Chris Read from the Institute of Technology of Sligo, Ireland, and Thomas Finan of the University of St. Louis.This project succeeded in lifting 137 framework, although the scientists believe, there are hundreds to thousands of others who still have not been lifted.The way that deviates burial was found in two male skeleton. Both are buried in a different time, circa 700 AD.One of the dead man believed to be aged between 40 to 60 years. Others, still young, about 20 to 30 years. Both were laid side by side, with a rock the size of a baseball stuffed into their mouths."One of them lay with his eyes looked up to the top. Driven in large black stone in his mouth," said Chris Read. "Others, was found with his head turned sideways, terjejal stone in his mouth to make her neck twisted."The team of archaeologists suspect, they found a cemetery associated with the so-called "black death". Stone crammed in the mouth that is proof he has done the ritual murder of a vampire.Initially, suspicion had dawned, cramming rocks in the mouth that is the way society at that time to prevent the transmission of disease from the corpse. However, because the phenomenon does not appear in the folklore of Europe until the 1500s, archaeologists ruled out that theory. They then retreated back to the 8th century."In this case, the stone at the mouth of allegedly used to prevent the corpse rose from the grave," said Chris Read.Both bodies Irishman could have been considered a dangerous person - such as the enemy, murderer, rapist, or because of sudden death due to a strange disease or were killed. Residents at that time seemed to fear that they could bounce back and harm society.

Why are their mouths stuffed with stones?"The mouth is believed to be the door to the soul as it leaves the body at death. Sometimes, the soul can come back, or evil spirits can enter the body through the mouth, and raised him," he said. (Source: Discovery News, Lifelittlemysteries | er)


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